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2009 水災國際研習營 International Training Workshop on Flooding Disaster


日期: 2009/05/04 - 2009/05/08

地點: NCDR, 新北市, 台灣


「災害是無國界的」,以國際合作之方式共同削減災害之損失,是近年聯合國致力推動之目標。受到氣候與環境的變異影響,全球天然災害發生頻率增加,都市化、貧窮、環境惡化、糧食危機等導致的各類型災害規模和影響也日益擴大,生命與財產損失亦增。吾人須正視防災、減災工作對生活周遭的影響,缺乏防災意識將是天然災害轉變成慘重災禍的重要因素。爰此,聯合國已舉行15屆聯合國氣候變遷會議,顯示了世界各國對天然災害危機意識之重視。因此身為地球村會員之一的台灣,如何將我國發展成熟的災害防救與預警系統之經驗與研究成果,協助亞太地區開發中國家降低災害所造成之損失,並藉以增強當地對於颱洪災害的承受能力,為我國責無旁貸的義務與責任。 鑒於國際近年發生幾次重大颱洪災害,如美國南部卡崔娜台颶風、緬甸納吉斯風災及國內卡玫基颱風等事件,因此本屆天然災害減災國際研習營以「洪災減災」為主題,子課題包含「防災經驗學習」、「洪災預警」、「淹水潛勢」、「風險分析」及「決策資源系統」等。將藉由研習營互動交流機會,分享各國實際的防災經驗與科技研發成果。且介紹近幾年國內歷史重大災害的檢討、防救災科技研發、政府單位防災相關技術運用成果、國內外新類型防災科技之發展,提供他國學員了解我國洪災防救工作的推動現況。
2009 ITW 中文議程 Flood Mitigation System & Flood Monitoring Technology (water Resources Agency, MOEA) An Overview on the Disaster Weather Monitoring and Forecasting at the Central Weather Bureau (Tien-Chiang Yeh, Central Weather Bureau, MOTC) Technologies for Early Warning of Hazardous Weather– a Radar Meteorology Perspective (Yu-Chieng Liou, Dept. of Atmos. Sci, National Central Univ., National S&T Center for Disaster Reduction, Taiwan) Flood and Inundation Maps in Taiwan (Tsang-Jung Chang, Dept. of Bioenvironmental Systems Engr., Hydrotech Research Institute, Disaster Research Center, National Taiwan University) The Research on Flood and Drought Disasters Reduction of NCDR (Prof. Keh-Chia Yeh, Deputy Division Head, Flood and Drought Disasters Reduction Division, National Science and Technology Center for Disa Technology for Runoff Analysis- in Gauged and Ungauged Watersheds (Kwan Tun LEE, Director of Geographic Information Center, Professor of the River and Harbor Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean Univers Flood Control and Disaster Management in Taiwan (Director Hong-Kuai Chen, Water Resources Planning Institute, Water Resources Agency, MOEA) Pacific Disaster Center: Challenges and Solutions for Risk Assessment and Disaster Early Warning (Chris Chiesa, Chief Information Officer, Pacific Disaster Center) The Asia Pacific Natural Hazards Information Network (APNHIN) (Chris Chiesa, Chief Information Officer, Pacific Disaster Center) MEASURING VULNERABILITY (Christina Finch) Applying Flood Modeling to Risk Assessment Scenarios for Mitigation Planning (Andrea Chatman, Disaster Management Applications Analyst, Pacific Disaster Center) Development of Safe Taiwan Info. System(SATIS) A Decision Support System for Natural hazard in Taiwan (Prof. Feng-Tyan Lin, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University) Projects of Communities for Risk Management in Vietnam (Mr. Le Xuan Truong, Mr. Le Van Cong and Mr. Nguyen Quang Minh) THE READINESS OF INDONESIA TO SUPPORT INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM ON WEATHER AND CLIMATE INDUCED NATURAL DISASTER IN THE EAST AND SOUTHEAST ASIAN (Dr. Yusuf S. Djajadihardja, Agency for the Assessment and A THE FLOOD MANAGEMENT BASED ON GEOLOGICAL CONDITION IN JAKARTA AREA (Robert M. Delinom, Research Center for Geotechnology, INDONESIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCES) Crisis Relief Squad of MCA ( CRSM), Flood Action Relief (Chng Soo Chau, CRSM) V. M. S. System Presentation (Derek Chan, Technical Advisor, UTAR) Bukit Antarabangsa Landslide (Lai Soon Onn, Department of Civil engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman) Stormwater Management And Road Tunnel (SMART) Project in Kuala Lumpur (Lai Soon Onn, Department of Civil engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman) School Preparedness Programme Malaysia (Dr Aik Cheng Heng, Executive Council, Committee Member, Mercy Malaysia) PHILIPPINE DISASTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ALDERSEY MUMAR-DELA CRUZ, Assistant Regional Director, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Republic of the Philippines) DISASTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Philippine Experience (ALDERSEY MUMAR-DELA CRUZ, Assistant Regional Director, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Republic of the Philippines) Flood forcasting by Thai Meteorological Department (Sotharat Insawang, Hydrometeorological Group, Meteorological Bureau) Flood Hazard in Phrae Province (Dr. Pichaid Varoonchotikul, Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Thailand) Flooding Hazard in Guatemala, Recent Significant Events & Actions Towards Mitigation (Ph.D., David A. Monterroso, Geophysist CONRED, Guatemala)